A to Z Gardening

05 Great Tools for Gardeners and Landscapers and the Reasons Why

05 Great Tools for Gardeners and Landscapers and the Reasons Why

05 Great Tools for Gardeners and Landscapers and the Reasons Why

With summer well and truly on its way now is a great time to make sure your garden shed is up to date with the latest must-have garden tools. In this guide, we tell you about what gardening tools should make the list of your top priorities.

5. Stainless Steel Hori-Hori

Where most gardeners turn to their trowel when it comes to weddings and planting, pro gardeners should be using a Hori-Hori. This instrument is perfect for working those difficult weeds that need to be cut out and unlike the average kitchen knife, you’ll find that it stands the test of even the hardiest of annual roots.

4. Pruning Stik

If you’ve spent the last few summers up a rather wobbly ladder pruning your trees then you should think about investing in a pruning stik. These garden handy tools will help you reach up to those trees from the ground with ease. A handy tip when searching for a suitable pruning stik for your garden is to think carefully about the length.

The longer the stick is the less of an angle you’ll have to use it at (which of course means that your neck will thank you too!) And all this whilst avoiding broken bones and serious bruising!

3. Some New Hand Pruners

OK admit it… how old are your hand pruners? This item makes for one of the longest kept tools in the garden shed and many struggles with blades that become blunt and mechanisms that become sticky.

If this sounds like a description of your hand prunes then it’s time to take the plunge and buy a shiny new pair! Afterwards, you’ll probably think of all those wasted hours where you practically had to rip off stems with your own hands!

2. Scuffle Hoe

If your garden seems to get overtaken with weeds between seasons and you have plenty of ground to cover then you need a scuffle hose. This instrument allows you to remove weeds by simply pulling back and forth on its lever to cut weeds at the surface.

This is perfect for use just before you lay the weed killer on areas that are suitable. Or for areas that have plenty of other plants growing you can be safe in the knowledge that cutting down those weeds won’t damage any of the roots that you do want there.

1. A Laser Level

For those who truly know the intricate ins and outs of landscape gardening, the importance of precision level lines and angles is not to be underestimated. Laser level tools are therefore essential in implementing the plans that have been created on paper and luckily today such tools are more advanced than ever, allowing the landscape gardener to take multiple measurements at the flick of a switch.

The gardens nursery centre shop specialises in all manner of gardening tools that are perfect for creating the most beautiful of gardens with precision point angles. They offer one of the widest range of tools that includes everything from basic angle lasers to advanced, engineering garden tools.

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