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How to Care for the Plants in the Garden

How to Care for the Plants in the Garden

Sooner or later, the garden plants will be victimized by pests. Plants can also be affected by diseases, viruses lack of nutrients and extreme weather. These problems can cause deformity, delay in growth or death of the plants. Problems in the garden can be prevented easily. There are several positive and inexpensive ways to prevent these problems.

Watering and water conservation

It is important to sprinkle the plants with an adequate supply of water. grow. A faucet for outside to connect water hose makes watering the plants easily.

The easiest way to water plants is the use of automated water sprinklers with or without timers. Storing the rainwater in a barrel is a very economical way of watering plants. The rainwater is very valuable during summertime where plants need to be watered most of the time.

Spray bottles and a watering can are very important for watering plants individually. Spray bottles and watering cans are used for watering plants especially if the water is mixed with chemicals. A splash of water on the floor or on the plant stages can increase the humidity of the plants.

Protecting plants from the weather

Why do plants get diseases, viruses and lack nutrients? Shrubs and perennials can easily be damaged by winter weather. Rather than pulling the shrubs and perennials in fall, provide insulation around the plants’ base. During summer, snip off dead flower heads and leaves of flowers. For movable plants, move them to a shady place.

Plants in containers can have the chances of freezing. Protect these plants by double wrapping insulating material around the container. Put up a temporary windbreak to protect the plants from the strong wind. Cover new plants or new shoots with a large plastic.

Preventing problems by using chemicals

There are times when chemical control is the best remedy to problems on plants. Some plant chemicals are natural and organic and they are acceptable to control insect pests and fungal disease. Putting chemicals to prevent pests and diseases is time-consuming and expensive.

The best way to prevent the plants from having pests and diseases is always to have the plants grow strong and healthy by checking on them often. Concentrate on the plants’ hygiene, clean environment, clean equipment and fresh soil mix. Check new plants regularly from grey moulds. Remove pests by hand, stick or by using a piece of equipment.

The natural prevention of problems of plants

Many garden pests can be prevented by the use of natural predators. The living predators can be bought by mail order or online stores.

Frogs and toads eat the snails, caterpillars and woodlice. Birds of different kinds eat snails, caterpillars, aphids and grubs.

There are also biological substances that can be mixed into the water used to spray the plants or applied directly to container plants or to the garden. Stacked logs in the garden attract natural living predators.


Inspect and investigate the plants. If one or two plants show symptoms of diseases, take them off right away. If physical damage or lack of nutrients is a suspect problem, find out more about the soil or check the roots if they are damaged. Adding nutrients prevents the plants from yellowing of leaves and dead portions and discolouration of the leaves.