Heading: Quick & Easy Decorative Septic Tank Covers
For folks located in suburban areas or out in the country one of the most common eyesores in the yard is the septic tank covers the top. It seems that home builders always pick the worst spot for these tanks. Granted, within the vast majority of cases, it isn’t the fault of the builder rather it’s the building codes applicable to the area or even the result of the department of natural resources regulations that put confines on the size, and location of the septic system fields.
Most homeowners could care less concerning the why, their main concern is making that unsightly eyesore laying out into the yard vanish once and for all. Septic covers and risers are available in a variety of notoriously hideous configurations. From discoloured concrete with a rusty metal handle to the modern green plastic material covers that look like something from a Star Trek episode.
But the main question homeowners have is how to cover the ugly tank riser and help it blend into the surrounding landscape. Luckily you will find a variety of practical synthetic stone covers designed specifically for hiding septic system risers of all kinds on websites. A business in Wisconsin called garden decor specializes in manufacturing highly realistic and sturdy landscape rocks sized to fit the majority of sewage covers.
It’s vital when selecting the model to first take a close glance at the lid on the system inside your yard. What you don’t want to do is put a cover that is not vented over an application that requires venting. This could lead to a malfunctioning septic system, and those are never much fun.
And luckily offers a variety of different kinds of sizes and configurations. 1.5 inch, 3 inch, and four-inch vents can be purchased and added to any rock model. These vents can be factory-installed or included within the package so that you could install them yourself. In most cases, all it will take is an electric handsaw or even better a drill fitted with a hole saw to cut a hole in the side where the vents can be fitted. No unique adhesive or messy glue is required to fasten the vents. The vents are even painted just before installation or shipment. The colours used most closely fit the colour of the stone colour you have purchased.
For some people in windy areas, there is worry about the rocks blowing away. Luckily these stone enclosures incorporate a patented flange and staking system. And perhaps the states are included. This permits the user to merely throw the rock over the septic and stake it down at the edges. Grass will grow around the states to camouflage them. Or mulch or stones can be used to help hide them as well.
Within this landscaping and that scratch that these how well landscaping stones are a wonderful solution for homeowners looking for a fast, and sturdy, and extremely long-lasting and six to the exposed septic container blues.
Nearly every building owner realizes how dreadful septic container surfaces can be. That they poke all the way up from the terrain and also continually manage to always be right exactly where you desire them the least: in the front lawn landscape gardening!