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The Soil Improvement in Your Garden

The Soil Improvement in Your Garden

What is the process to identify the soil type? The soil is a very important factor in the growth and health of plants. Before buying the plants, it is very important to identify what types of soil it is in the garden. Growing plants the easy way is growing plants with the right soil.

The soil profile and the soil type

Scrutinizing from the topsoil to the subsoil is always an important way to determine whether the soil is proper for the plants or needs improvements and prevents plants from future problems.

The layers of soil have different colours and textures. The darker, organic layer surface is the fertile soil where the earthworms and microorganisms are found. The subsoil or the inner soil is infertile and should not be combined with the topsoil. If the garden does not have enough fertile soil, buying soil mixed with organic matter is an alternative.

Identify the soil by using tests. The soil texture is a good start for soil testing. Dig a hole 12 cm deep and touch a handful of the soil. Feeling the soil gives an idea of whether the soil texture is sandy, loamy or clay. Feel the soil if it’s chalk or if there are lots of stones in it.

Loam soil is considered the best kind of soil. Loam is a mixture of different pieces of sand and clay. A loamy soil can retain moisture in summer and allow water to drain in winter. Fertilizing, adding organic substance and liming the soil contribute to how fertile the soil is.

Testing the soil with alkalinity, acidity and neutrality is enough to see what kind of plants the soil can grow. The drainage test should be done in late winter or when the water level is at the highest. The acidity and alkalinity test can be done by buying the simple kit test or can be done in the laboratory.